Easily check which versions of mac OS, iOS, iPadOS, or watchOS are compatible with your Mac model or iDevice. Guide includes OS X 10.8.x to macOS 11.0.x. Question No 1 Discuss the history of various operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.) including their era, requirements, features, and shortcomings. Answer An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of programs. Every computer system must have at least one operating system to run other programs. Operating System 1 An Operating System (OS) is an interface between a computer user and computer hardware. An operating system is a software which performs all the basic tasks like file management, memory management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. Assignment 1 (Welcome to C!) goes out today. It is due on Monday, April 15 at 2:15PM. This assignment serves as a warmup to the C programming language, recursion, and the Stanford C libraries. By the time you're done, you'll feel right at home working in C. Starter files are available for download under the 'Assignments' section on the right.
- Assignment 1 Mac Os X
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- Assignment 1 Mac Os 11
- Assignment 1 Mac Os 11
Programming Assignment 1 Checklist: Percolation
Frequently Asked Questions (General) |
What's a checklist?The assignment provides the programming assignment specification;the checklist provides clarifications, test data, and hints that might behelpful in completing the assignment.
Where can I find the course policies regardingsubmission, lateness, grading, and collaboration?Please read the Assignments Page.
I haven't programmed in Java in a while. What material do I need to remember?For a review of our Java programming model (including our input and output libraries),read Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of Algorithms, 4th Edition.
Greatbattle 1.2.1 mac os. Which Java programming environment should I use?We recommend the lightweight IDE DrJavaalong with the command line.If you use our Mac OS X or Windows installer, then everything should beconfigured and ready to go.If you prefer use another IDE (such as Eclipse), that's perfectly fine—besure that you can use command-line arguments, read from standard input,redirect standard input and output, and add stdlib.jar and algs4.jarto your Java classpath.
What are the input and output libraries?We have designed a set of easy-to-use Java libraries in stdlib.jar for input and outputthat you are required to use in this course.Here are the APIs.
While you are required to throw exceptions using throw statements as specified,you should not catch exceptions with try-catch statements—this will interferewith our grading scripts.What should I put in my readme.txt file?Here is a readme guide.
When I try to submit files I get a message telling me 'No Login found in header of file.' How do I fix this?At the top of each Java file, include a header in format described in the readme guide.
How should I format and comment my code?Here are some recommended style guidelines.Below are some that are particularly important (and for which you will lose points if you ignore).
- Include a bold (or Javadoc)comment at the beginning of each Java file with your name, login, precept,date, the purpose of the program, and how to compile and execute it.
- Include a comment describing every method and class (whether public or private).
- Include a comment describing every instance variable (including those for nested classes).
- Indent consistently, using 3 or 4 spaces for each indentation level.Do not use hard tabs.
- Do not exceed 80 characters per line. This rule also applies to thereadme.txt file.
- Avoid unexplained magic numbers, especially ones that are usedmore than once.
What is unit testing? It is testing of each method within a class.Ideally, it should be comprehensive enough to catch any error in the class.
What's the easiest way to copy a subdirectory from theCOS 226 ftp siteto my computer?
- Safari.Click the ftp link above to mount the ftp site, then drag-and-dropthe percolation folder from the ftp mount to the desired location.If prompted for a name and password, choose to Connect as a Guestinstead of a Register user.
- Firefox.Install the DownThemAll! pluginto support downloading all of the links contained in a webpage and use it.
- Internet Explorer. Click the ftp link above,then click Page and select Open FTP Site in Windows Explorerfrom the dropdown menu.Drag the desired folder to your desktop.
- Linux or OS X command line.From the Linux or OS X command line, type ftp ftp.cs.princeton.edu;enter anonymous for your username and your email address for yourpassword; type cd pub/cs226 to get to the root of the cs226 ftp site.
- Ftp client. Using your favorite ftp client, go toftp.cs.princeton.edu/pub/cs226,enter anonymous for your username and your email address for yourpassword, and navigate to the pub/cs226 subdirectory.
Frequently Asked Questions (Percolation) |
What are the goals of this assignment?
- Set up a Java programming environment.
- Use our input and output libraries.
- Learn about a scientific application of the union–find data structure.
- Measure the running time of a program and use the doubling hypothesisto make predictions.
- Measure the amount of memory used by a data structure.
Can I add (or remove) methods to (or from) Percolation or PercolationStats?No. You must implement the APIs exactly as specified, with the identical set of public methods and signatures (or you will receive a substantial deduction).However, you are encouraged to add private methods that enhance the readability, maintainability,and modularity of your program.The one exception is main()—you are always permitted toadd this method to test your code, but the autograder will call itonly if we instruct you to include it and specify its behavior.
Why is it so important to implement the prescribed API?Writing to an API is an important skill to master because it is an essential component of modular programming,whether you are developing software by yourself or as part of a group. When you develop a module that properly implements an API, anyone using that module (including yourself, perhaps at some later time) does not need to revisit the details of thecode for that module when using it.This approach greatly simplifies writing large programs, developing software as part of a group, or developing software for use by others.
Most important, when you properly implement an API, others can writesoftware to use your module or to test it.We do this regularly when grading your programs. For example,your PercolationStats client should work with ourPercolation data type and vice versa. If you add an extra publicmethod to Percolation and call them from PercolationStats,then your client won't work with our Percolation data type.Conversely, our PercolationStats client may not work with your Percolation data type if you remove a public method.
Power the grid mac os. How many lines of code should my program be?You should strive for clarity and efficiency. Our reference solution forPercolation.java is about 80 lines, plus a test client.Our PercolationStats.java client is about 60 lines.If you are re-implementing the union-find data structure(instead of reusing the implementations provided), you are on the wrong track.
What should stddev() return if T equals 1?The sample standard deviation is undefined. We recommend returning Double.NaNbut we will not test this case.
After the system has percolated, PercolationVisualizer colors in light blueall sites connected to open sites on the bottom (in addition to those connected to open siteson the top). Is this 'backwash' acceptable?No, this is likely a bug in your Percolation. It is only a minor deduction, so don'tgo crazy trying to get this detail.
How do I generate a site uniformly at random among all blocked sitesfor use in PercolationStats?Pick a site at random (by using StdRandom to generate twointegers between 0 (inclusive) and N (exclusive) and use this siteif it is blocked; if not, repeat.
I don't get reliable timing information in PercolationStats when N = 200.What should I do?Increase the size of N (say to 400, 800, and 1600), untilthe mean running time exceeds its standard deviation.
Style and Bug Checkers |
Style checker.We recommend using Checkstyle 5.5(and the configuration filecheckstyle.xml)to check the style of your Java programs.Here is a list of available Checkstyle checks.
Bug checker. Doors (itch) (john_m, michael stoess) mac os. We recommend using FindBugs 2.0.3 (and the configuration file findbugs.xml)to identify common bug patterns in your code.Here is a summary of FindBugsBug descriptions.
Mac OS X and Windows installer.If you used our Mac OS X or Windows installer, these programs are already installedas command-line utilities.You can check a single file or multiple files via the commands:
Note that Checkstyle inspects the source code; Findbugs inspects the compiled code.Eclipse.For Eclipse users,there is a Checkstyle pluginfor Eclipseand a Findbugs plugin for Eclipse.
Caveat.The appearance of a warning message does not necessarily lead toa deduction (and, in some cases, it does not even indicate an error).
Assignment 1 Mac Os X
Testing |
Testing.We provide two clients that serve as large-scale visual traces.We highly recommend using them for testing and debugging your Percolation implementation.
Visualization client.PercolationVisualizer.javaanimates theresults of opening sites in a percolation system specified by a file by performing the following steps:
- Read the grid size N from the file.
- Create an N-by-N grid of sites (initially all blocked).
- Read in a sequence of sites (row i, column j) to open from the file.After each site is opened, draw full sites in light blue, open sites (that aren't full) in white, andblocked sites in black using standard draw, with site (0, 0) in the upper left-hand corner.
50 open sites | 100 open sites | 150 open sites | 204 open sites | 250 open sites |
Sample data files.The directorypercolationcontains some sample files for use with the visualization client.Associated with most input .txt file is an output .png file that contains thedesired graphical output at the end of the visualization.
InteractiveVisualization client.InteractivePercolationVisualizer.javais similarto the first test client except that the input comes from a mouse (instead of from a file).It takes a command-line integer N that specifies the grid size.As a bonus, it writes to standard output the sequence of sites opened in the same format used byPercolationVisualizer, so you can use it to prepare interesting files for testing.If you design an interesting data file, feel free to share it with us and your classmates by posting itin the discussion forums.
Possible Progress Steps |
What is an operating system?
This is a type of software that connects, reads and manages all the hardware in the computer. It is the core software as all other software depends on this. Operating Systems manage processes, Manage files, Manage memory and manage all the devices that are connected to the PC. There are a couple of operating systems available on the market. However they are all based in either GUI or Command Line. Command Line was the original software that was used to operate a computer. This was all in binary code arranged into Command Lines. This was further developed into GUI or Graphical User Interface. This is much easier to use than Command Line as it runs faster, smoother and is much more user friendly. The GUI is all visual allowing the user to see what he is doing unlike the Command Line which was all based around code. Command Line is hardly used as it is covered with a GUI. All modern Operating Systems are based on GUI. Three examples of this are, Mac OS, Windows OS and Linux OS.
There are 4 main tasks that every Operating System has to do:
Process Manager – When a user is using a computer, they open applications. These applications in computing terms are known as processes. These processes are handled by the CPU. The CPU can only handle one process at a time. With today's newly developed multi-core processors, each core can handle only one process at a time. Each application or process will need to run several additional processes such as hard drive, network, etc. Due to the CPU only being able to handle one process at a time, there needs to be some sort of arrangement and prioritisation so the CPU can be instructed to handle the more important processes first. This prioritisation is executed by the operating system. The operating system instructs the CPU with regards to which process needs to be executed first. The other processes will be left for standby on the RAM and will be executed whenever the need.
In a single tasking system, the schedule is straight forward. The operating system allows the begin application to begin running and suspending the execution only long enough to deal with interrupts. These interrupts are special signals sent by hardware or software and are as though they have raised their hand for the CPUs attention. These interrupts may be masked or unmasked. Masked are those interrupts that are ignored so that the processor can finish the current tasks as quickly as possible. Interrupts that are unmasked or non-maskable (NMIs) are interrupts that must be dealt with immediately regard-less of other tasks at hand.
Memory Manager – When an operating system manages the memory, two tasks that are involved. The first is that each process must have enough memory so that it doesn't run into another processes memory neither vice versa. The second is that different types of memory must be used properly so that the tasks at hand may be executed effectively.
File Manager – The file management function of an operating system consists of management of the file system which breaks down into two further parts. The files and the directory structure. Files are a collection of named information that is stored on a secondary device such as a hard drive. Data cannot be placed on a device unless it is in the form of a file. Files have set attributes such as name, location, size, type, time and date of creation, etc. The file can be accessed in two forms, sequential access which is systematically and direct which is in any order.
Directory structure provides information on the files which are stored on the secondary storage. The directory contains the name, location, size and type of all the files on the device. A tree-structured directory is the most commonly used structure.
Device Manager – No piece of hardware can be used by the user unless it is connected to the motherboard. All of these hardware have to pass through a special software called a driver. The main task of a driver is to translate between the electrical signals of the hardware subsystems and the programming language of the operating systems and application programs.
Windows OS – Windows is a line-up of regularly updated Graphical User Interface (GUI) operating systems which are created, developed, updated and marketed by Microsoft Inc. Windows was invented by Bill Gates.
Mac Os Download
The first windows os to be released was in 1985 and was named 'windows 1.0'. Their latest stable release version is windows 8 and their latest unstable release in Windows 8.1. Windows was first created after a wave of interest in the newly developed GUI systems back in 1980s. Windows has been designed and created to help ease the user experience when using a computer. Microsoft has achieved this mainly through; their taskbar; the ‘Start' Menu; windows explorer. The taskbar is a bar at the bottom of the screen which displays which software's are currently running. The ‘Start' Menu is a menu bar which displays all the installed software's which the user can use. Finally, the windows explorer is a file manager. It allows you to go through your personal files and locate and use whatever you wish. Windows is the most popular OS in the world as it is the easiest to use. However on their latest release, Windows 8, windows has chosen to go for a more mobile look with their all-new live tiles. So they have dropped their start menu in exchange for the new live tiles.
Mac OS / OSX – OS X (Mac OS) is a series of Unix-based graphical user interface operating system. All the previous releases of OS X were named after big cats. However the latest was named after a Californian landmark. OS X (previously Mac OS) has been developed, marketed, and sold by Apple Inc. Mac was invented by Steve Jobs. The first release of Mac OS was in 1999. Their operating system has been mainly based around multimedia and graphics designing. Mac OS Lion 10.7 was the first of the OS X line-up to make the transfer from 32-bit to 64-bit. OS X is generally more advanced than windows as was designed for graphics and motion designers. OS X has many graphics related software that come pre-installed. Due to its UNIX base, Mac os is more stable, powerful and secure to use than Windows. However, it is significantly more expensive than all of the other OS's. Moreover, Mac PC's cannot be handled by the user. They have to be taken to apple to be repaired or adjusted. Finally, due to their UNIX based systems, they are significantly more complex than the rest.
Assignment 1 Mac Os Download
Linux – Linux was formed in1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux is a free OS. It is an example of an open-source OS. It is called open source because it does whatever the user wishes it to do. It is designed from scratch by the user. An advantage is that it is capable of running on any PC. Also, there are more options on this than any other OS. The only problem is that you are required to figure out how to do it by yourself. Linux is significantly more secure to use than Windows and Mac. This is due to the low percentages of people using it. However there are a few cons. Firstly, the sheer number of options and features is enough to scare off a non-technical user. On top of that there is also a high lack of support in terms of hardware, software and every other aspect of Linux computer.
Assignment 1 Mac Os 11
My Recommendation
Assignment 1 Mac Os 11
Sam's needs are very clear. He is photographer so he requires an operating system which can quickly upload the photos from his camera to the computer with minimum disruption and maximum ease. Furthermore, we have been told he needs an easy email service to send the images to family and friends. Without going into specific details as to why, I would suggest an Apple Mac system for him.
A Mac OS will be very good for Sam because it has a very good update system. It automatically updates the drivers for the internal hardware and any other external hardware or peripherals. This will be exceptionally good for Sam, because he wants a computer that's easy to use and this update service will prevent him from needing to worry about updating his drivers. Mac OS is also good because of its security. Its built-in sandboxing system will fix any faults detected in the system. With Windows, you will need a third party software to prevent any faults.
Sam also requires e-mail. With OS X, you get ‘Mail' built-in. With windows, however, you will get outlook which is only compatible with Microsoft e-mail accounts. With Apple Mac, you get a whole load of free photo editing software. However with Windows, you only get a photo viewer which can only edit one or two things.
Also, Sam requires access to use the internet. With Microsoft, you are supplied with Internet explorer which is very unsecure and slower than Apple's Safari Browser. Safari is significantly faster, more secure and easier to use than Microsoft's internet explorer.
The interface on OSX is definitely easier to use than Microsoft as all the software are displayed on the desktop. Also any additional hardware connected to the computer are automatically displayed on the desktop.
Pricing is a flaw of the OSX but looking at the service and quality of product can make any individual overlook the cost factor. An average OSX computer would cost in the region of £1000 and the cheapest of Windows computers with similar specifications would cost £500. However now it is possible to purchase OSX without a machine and install it on a machine of your choice. OSX costs £12.99 compared to the £80+ that you would pay for Windows OS.
As far as security is concerned, OSX is the most secure of operating systems. Apple's sandboxing system prevents any malicious software as soon as they even come near the users files.
Windows and OSX are not in the same league in terms of quality, etc to be compared. The quality of everything in general of OSX is far better than any of Microsoft's features. Sam requires a good e-mail service, Microsoft's email service can only be used with Microsoft email addresses. Apple's can however be used with addresses of any domain. OSX machines come preloaded with photo editing software unlike any Microsoft machine. Furthermore, OSX's Safari browser is far faster, secure and easier to use than Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Even in cost, OSX cost just £12.99 compared to the £80+ that you would pay for Windows OS.
In conclusion, I would recommend Sam to purchase an OSX computer.